Exterior Modifications and Landscaping

Posted By on March 15, 2022


All exterior modifications including painting must be approved by the architectural committee. An architectural application must be submitted prior to beginning any work. If this is not followed, the enforcement and fine policy will take effect. Applications can be obtained from the resident portal or by contacting our office and we can email one to you.

No work can began until you receive approval from the architectural committee. If work has been done and approval has not been received you may be informed that the improvement must be removed and restored back to the original condition.

As a reminder, parents/guardians should be watching minors at all times in the park area, as they should not be left unattended. Owners and their guests should take pride in keeping the community, and its amenities, looking attractive so as to remain a desirable place to live.

Should anyone near the park area see anything or catch anything on camera it is highly encouraged you reach out to management so we can address the issue right away.


Please take time to look at your home and see if you may need some landscaping done. This could include but is not limited to: removing weeds, covering bare dirt with approved plants, mulch or live turf (architectural application is required), trimming trees and shrubs, removing dead debris from plants and trees and adding a weed and feed to the lawn. There are several yards in the community that require attention. Please maintain your lots in accordance with the CC&R’s.


Temescal Canyon Road & Glen Ivy Road
Corona, CA 92883
phone | (949) 450-0202

Management Team

Adam Carrillo | acarrillo@actionlife.com

Brandon Ramirez | brandonramirez@actionlife.com

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
1250 Corona Ponite
Corona, CA 92879
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303